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New York White Collar Crimes

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New York White Collar Crime Lawyer

White Collar Crime is defined as a criminal act (usually fraud) that is committed by a person of high social status and respectability. The Federal Bureau of Investigations defines fraud as the art of deliberate deception for profit. Today, more than ever the Criminal White Collar Bureau in the Office of The District Attorney in New York is cracking down on this type of crime.

The US Attorneys Office and the various District Attorneys Offices within New York State are spending a great amount of time and energy pursuing the perpetrators of White Collar Crime so, its even more important to have an experienced New York White Collar Criminal Lawyer if you are facing criminal prosecution in Federal Court or NY State Court. There is no specific criminal charge of White Collar Crime. This is a category of types of crimes. To further help you the each New York White Collar Criminal Lawyer in our office has contributed to putting together this brief list of the types of crimes that law enforcement officials consider White Collar Crime. They range from and include:

  • Credit card fraud
  • Sports / Celebrity memorabilia fraud
  • Investment fraud
  • Insider trading
  • Medicaid / Medicare fraud
  • Faking and set-up car accidents
  • Price taxing
  • Insurance fraud
  • Mail fraud
  • Computer fraud / Computer crime
  • Identity theft
  • Bribery
  • Bankruptcy fraud
  • Unemployment fraud
  • Adoption fraud
  • Counterfeiting
  • Bank fraud
  • Money Laundering
  • Securities Fraud
  • Stock Fraud
  • Healthcare Fraud
  • Copyright Fraud
  • Tax Fraud
  • Grand Larceny

Below we will talk generally about a few of these crimes. Your case may involve greater detail and these cases are very fact sensitive, therefore the experienced New York White Collar Criminal Lawyers at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC offer a free consultation. Whether you are under investigation or have a pending criminal charge call us at 800.696.9529. Any New York White Collar Criminal Lawyer will tell you that most of these White Collar Crimes can involve multiple criminal charges and be tried in many different jurisdictions.

For example, if a Social Security Number and personal information are stolen from someone's computer and then, a credit card application is filed with a credit card company and subsequently, the card is issued to the perpetrator and he charges thousands of dollars in goods on the victims account, multiple types of fraud are involved. It happens everyday. Now a defendant is arrested. The defendant can face Federal criminal charges from the US Attorney, New York state charges from the District Attorney and or the Attorney General's office, or both Federal and State criminal charges. Bank fraud is charged since the credit card company is usually a bank. Federal Mail fraud is in play if the card is mailed in the US Mail. Computer crime or computer tampering are charged as well as Federal and New York State Grand Larceny (charges can be brought in New York for crimes committed in New York and Federal charges can be brought if multiple states are involved in the fraudulent activity.)

This is just the short list of types of criminal charges. Whether you are charged in Federal or New York State depends on the US Attorney. The US Attorney's Office is very selective and may contact the state Attorney General's Office of the appropriate New York County and have them prosecute the case. In high profile cases the US Attorney and the District Attorney may both decide to prosecute. One big factor is the total dollar amount of the theft. Other important factors are the type of theft committed, who the victims are and whether or not the defendants are corporations or celebrities. This also raises the issue of double jeopardy (being charged with the same crime twice), which is in violation of the Constitution. As you can see, the more complex these cases get, the greater the need for an experienced New York White Collar Criminal Lawyer who has handled cases in both New York State and Federal Court. Whether the criminal charges are:

  • Credit card fraud
  • Sports / Celebrity memorabilia fraud
  • Investment fraud
  • Insider trading
  • Medicaid / Medicare fraud
  • Faking and set-up car accidents
  • Price taxing
  • Insurance fraud
  • Mail fraud
  • Computer fraud / Computer crime
  • Identity theft
  • Bribery
  • Bankruptcy fraud
  • Unemployment fraud
  • Adoption fraud
  • Counterfeiting
  • Bank fraud
  • Money Laundering
  • Securities Fraud
  • Stock Fraud
  • Healthcare Fraud
  • Copyright Fraud
  • Tax Fraud

Call Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC at 800.696.9529 for a free consultation with a criminal lawyer from our office. We are available to defend you in New York, NY, Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Nassau County and Suffolk County, Long Island, and in both New York State and Federal Court.

Client Reviews
My wife and I met under some unconventional circumstances. After I had some legal problems, Mr Bilkis and his firm continually got me out of trouble. I then had his firm represented my wife and he got her out of trouble! We are still married and got our ways straightened away. We both can't thank him enough for saving our lives and our families! J.P.