What Is a Juvenile Conviction?
For purposes of the criminal justice system, in New York a juvenile is a child who is over 7 years old and under 18. When a juvenile is suspected of committing a crime, the juvenile goes through a process that is very different from the criminal process that an adult suspect would go through. If it is found that the child did commit the act that would be considered a crime had an adult committed it, the child would be found to be “delinquent.”
How Are Juveniles Sentenced?
If a juvenile is found to be delinquent, the judge has a great deal of discretion with respect to sentencing, also referred to as the disposition order. The court may order the juvenile incarcerated to home confinement, placement with a relative other than their parents, detention in a juvenile facility, or incarceration in an adult jail. If the juvenile court judge finds that incarceration is not appropriate, the disposition may require the juvenile to pay a fine, pay restitution, undergo counseling, perform community service, or wear and electronic monitoring bracelet. In some instances the judge gives the juvenile a verbal warning.
When Is a Juvenile Tried as an Adult?
While juveniles who are accused of crimes are typically sent to juvenile court, there are circumstances in which they are tried as adults. If a child is suspected to have committed certain very serious crimes and meets the minimum age requirement of 13 years, the state has the option of requiring that the child be tried as an adult. If this happens, the child is not permitted to take advantage of the much more lenient rules of the juvenile system.
Still Have Questions? Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates for Help
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates have years of experience successfully defending clients in New York criminal courts who have been charged with drug crimes. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We serve those accused of drug crimes in the following locations: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk County and Westchester County.