New York Forgery

A New York Forgery Lawyer Discusses the Criminal Charge of Forgery and Related Offenses.

Any New York Forgery Lawyer will tell you that all of the Forgery criminal charges are covered under section 170 of the New York Penal Law.

The criminal charges range from Forgery in the fourth degree, an A Misdemeanor, and continue through Forgery in the first degree, which is a C Felony.

Examples of Forgery are as basic as you would think; forging checks, deeds, credit card applications and other matters similar to these.

Forgery cases not only include the person who actually creates the forged instrument but also a person who knowingly possesses a forged instrument. Both persons in this example can be a charged with a felony. Examples of Possession of a Forged Instrument include: Creating a Government ID and altering a Driver's License. For all those teenagers who want to change their date of birth to get into a bar, this can land you in jail and you can wind up being charged with a felony. Moreover, we have had people arrested and charged with a felony for forging a handicapped-parking permit!

The subject area of Forgery also includes forged vehicle identification numbers and illegal possession of vehicle identification numbers. Any Criminal Forgery Lawyer will tell you that these crimes are of high priority in the Office of any District Attorney in terms of prosecution and enforcement. The reason is that organized crime uses illegal chop shops to steal and resell cars and parts. These kinds of activities can go a long way to funding organized crime. Therefore, District Attorneys want stop these crimes immediately. Additionally, in New York, many illegal gypsy cabs that are uninsured will double up on the same VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to avoid paying the insurance and having the car inspected.

At Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC our New York Forgery Lawyers offer the experience and knowledge to handle a wide variety of forgery cases including Forgery, Possession of a Forged Instrument, Forgery of Vehicle Identification Number, Illegal Possession of a Vehicle Identification Number, Criminal Simulation, Possession of Forgery Devices, Criminal Possession of an Anti Security Device White Collar Crime and Unlawfully Using of Slugs. No matter what type of criminal case, our Forgery Law Lawyers offer a free consultation in one of our convenient locations throughout NYC and the Metropolitan area. Whether it's in The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan or on Long Island in Nassau County or Suffolk County, a NY Criminal Lawyer from our office stands ready to meet and assist you. Call us at 800.696.9529 for a free consultation.

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