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Brooklyn Gun Crimes & Illegal Weapon Possession

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In New York City and New York State, laws regulating guns are among the harshest in the country. A Brooklyn Gun Crime Lawyer can tell you that different cities and states generally have their own specific gun laws. A Brooklyn Gun Possession lawyer understands that many residents of and visitors to Brooklyn and the rest of the city of New York—from Manhattan to the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island—will likely be unaware of the specific Gun Crime laws in New York State. Contact Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC to talk to a Brooklyn Weapon Possession Lawyer who is experienced at navigating a charge of Gun Possession, Gun Crime, and related weapon Possession charges including gravity knives, brass knuckles, switch blades and box cutters just to name a few.

Any Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer will be aware that misunderstandings about weapon possession specifically, gun laws often happen for a very basic reason: People don't realize that a gun permit or a gun license issued by a different state does not give you the legal right to carry a handgun in New York state or New York City, or in the surrounding area—whether Suffolk County and Nassau County on Long Island, or Westchester County. Therefore, if the police catch you possessing a handgun without the appropriate license or permit for New York, you might find yourself charged by the Brooklyn Office of the District Attorney with Criminal Possession of a Weapon. What's more, you might face a felony charge, as well as the mandatory sentence of prison time that a conviction of Gun Possession can carry.

The Office of the Brooklyn District Attorney views Weapon Possession cases and Gun Crime cases very seriously. These cases can be difficult to defend against, because the simple illegal possession of the weapon will be sufficient to obtain a criminal conviction. Often an individual can find himself facing such criminal charges because he was caught by a metal detector in an airport—evidence that makes it challenging for a criminal defense attorney who can't claim that there was no possession of a weapon. In Brooklyn, the Office of the District Attorney sees the forceful prosecution of any Weapon Possession Crime case as a significant deterrent to this type of criminal act; one having the potential to discourage other individuals from trying to bring an illegal weapon or gun into Brooklyn and the rest of New York City.

Clearly, a Gun Crime case can be difficult to defend. These cases are prosecuted vigorously in Brooklyn, making it critical to be sure you work with an experienced Brooklyn Gun Possession Lawyer. You need someone who can help build your defense if you find yourself charged with Criminal Possession of a Weapon. If you were detained for possessing a gun in an airport, or for carrying a knife or switchblade in the subway or in your car, a Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer in the offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC can help you. Call us today for a free initial consultation: 800.696.9529. We have convenient locations throughout the 5 boroughs of New York City—not only in Brooklyn, but in Manhattan, Staten Island, in Queens, and also in the Bronx. You can also meet with us in the surrounding area—in Westchester County, for example, and even on Long Island in our Suffolk County location or our Nassau County location.

Client Reviews
My wife and I met under some unconventional circumstances. After I had some legal problems, Mr Bilkis and his firm continually got me out of trouble. I then had his firm represented my wife and he got her out of trouble! We are still married and got our ways straightened away. We both can't thank him enough for saving our lives and our families! J.P.